Entering the industry, a view from inside

By Mike. August 1st, 2010. Posted in Your career No Comments »

Here at Consultive we are keen to unearth what other people think about consulting. We have interviewed Steve, a new entrant into the consulting industry. He is a management graduate who has been in his current role for a year, following several years abroad managing projects in a different culture. He works for the consulting team of a large UK based engineering company.

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Welcome to Consultive Magazine

By Mike. August 1st, 2010. Posted in Consultive news 1 Comment »

Here it is at last, Consultive Magazine is online!

After many weeks of sweat and hard work Consultive Magazine is here to bring you the most useful, down to earth and up to date information about becoming and being a consultant. This week we have three articles for you to browse through:

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Hello & Welcome

Hello and Welcome to Consultive Magazine. Whether you're looking to join the consulting industry, have just joined or even have been part of it for a while we have something for you. We get leading industry experts to write about their experiences in the world of consultancy. They share their insights, lessons learnt and hints and tips so you, our reader, can benefit from their knowledge and get ahead in your own consulting career. Read more about us.